When preparing for an interview, what you wear can say a lot about your level of professionalism. When choosing your interview outfit make sure to dress for the position you are interviewing for.
Tips for Women:
Suits are the most professional choice for an interview. A black "power" suit is a must for any business professional and is a great basic to get now for future interviews and employment.
I have to admit ladies, I didn't have a suit to my name until 7 months ago. It has been hard (and costly) to start building my professional wardrobe. The best advice I can give is START EARLY! When you see suit sales, check them out. You can find some really cute ones, I promise!
Shoes should be closed-toed with heels from 1 to 2 inches. They should also be cleaned and polished.
I know that I really don't need to mention this, but make sure your hair and nails look nice, that you don't go overboard with makeup and jewelry, and you smell nice:) I always make sure that my perfume is a very light one, that is hardly noticeable.
Tips for Men
A nice suit in black, gray, or navy is a great choice.
The absolute best choice for an interview shirt, is a plain white straight collar shirt. Pinstripes are acceptable, but white is more traditional. An round neck undershirt is a must.
Choose a tie that compliments your suit and shows your personality(within limits). Do not wear ties with animals/sporting symbols.
Shoes should be either black or brown, depending on suit choice. Make sure they are clean and polished. Socks should compliment your suit.
Just remember to err on the side of conservative when dressing for an interview. You never know what your interviewer is looking for in an employee. Remember also, when you are hired, you can observe what people in your field are wearing and change your dress accordingly.
Good luck!
Great advice! Having a suit has served me well - I wore the same one for many interviews until I got a job then money to buy more suits :) I would also recommend a leather folder - it works to carry resumes at interviews and job fairs, to take notes at meetings.
Here's a question: How does one, w ho is a bit overwieght, find a suit that actually looks decent on them? Where do you suggest to look?
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