As you begin interview season, I thought I would remind you of some things NOT to do:) Enjoy!
1) Arrive Late to your interview.
2) Explain you were late because of bad directions given by staff there.
3) Look disheveled or dress inappropriately.
4) Don't make good eye contact with your interviewer.
5) Plan on learning about the company during the interview by asking, "So, what do you guys do here?"
6) Slouch in your seat.
7) Don't let the employer know how you could fill the needs of the company.
8) Brag about all of your accomplishments and how awesome you are.
9) Give responses with not clear answers. Ramble.
10) Act like you don't even want the job.
11) Answer all questions with "yes" or "no".
12) Appear desperate for a job--any job.
13) Call the interviewer by their first name or the wrong name.
14) Give memorized responses without feeling or sincerity.
15) Badmouth your former boss or company.
16) Ask the interviewer "How am I doing? Are you going to hire me?"
17) When they ask if you have any questions, say "NO!".
www.yourmanners.com - Caryl and Ronald Krannich
Good luck! Don't forget to practice your interviewing skills and have a trusted friend critique you on your professionalism and responses. Be open to their ideas and suggestions!
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