Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quote of the Week

"You can learn a lot more from listening than you can from talking. Find someone with whom you don’t agree in the slightest and ask them to explain themselves at length. Then take a seat, shut your mouth, and don’t argue back. It’s physically impossible to listen with your mouth open."
-- John Moe, Radio host and author

In the workplace, you are definitely going to find people that don't agree with you, or vice versa. It can be so aggravating.

Luckily, I have learned that differing opinions and ideas are what make the workplace exciting and allow you to grow. I have to admit, it takes A LOT of willpower to set through the explanation of something that you vehemently disagree with. It is definitely a skill I am still working on. But, if you do set back and listen...really listen, you will find that you can start to develop an appreciation for new ideas.

Listening can transform a hostile situation into a positive one. Nothing is better than a work environment where everyone feels welcome to express their opinions. Give it a try.
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