Dear Stephanie,
To start off, I have to say that my parents are awesome. They are both phenomenal doctors and they both adore their jobs. I have always looked up to them and would consider both to be my mentors.
With that being said, from the time I was little it has been assumed that I, too, would become a doctor. I really was never given the choice to do anything but be a doctor. I know what being a doctor entails, as I have been involved with it my whole life. I think it would be a great career choice, but just not for me!
My passion is math. I love accounting and I am seriously thinking about changing my major from biology to business. Stephanie, my question for you is, how do I tell that to my parents?
Help me!
Losing it in Lincoln
Dear Losing It,
Wow, that is a tough one. No one ever wants to feel that they let down their parents.
I can tell by the way you write about them, that they love you and want the very best for you. I think the most important thing in this situation is to be honest and tell them how you really feel.
If you have never shared with them your ideas for the future, they may just assume that their dream for you, is the same as your dream for you!
When a parent sees their child realizing their dream, there is NO way that they could feel let down! Make them proud, by being you!
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