What is a Corporate Communications Specialist, you ask? Well, the title includes many things. Anthony's days are filled with new and exciting projects. A man of many hats, he describes his position as having four primary parts: project management, corporate branding management, video production and web development.
One of the best parts of his job is working with people! He also enjoys being a part of the production of His Touch--a video series that highlights stories of hope and compassion found in our hospitals. He loves being involved in capturing and sharing those stories with others.
Anthony was initially interested in working for AHS because of the opportunities in ministry that it provides. His health care career began in academy when he worked for a local Nursing home owned by AHS. While there, he saw first hand the work that was done and the people that AHS serves. Working at AHS in his current role, has allowed him to extend the ministry of Christ in a way that fits well with his expertise.
When not at work, Anthony can be found doing "outdoorsy" stuff! He loves hiking and other mountain activities. He also is an avid "themeparker" and urbanite, so Orlando is right up his alley!
His future aspirations include traveling the world, meeting new and interesting people, and then writing about his experiences to share with others. He is a self proclaimed night person and he has an affinity for pogs. He is always looking for someone who shares his passion and will play with him!
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