"Picasso obviously viewed his art as a business, which it was. I view my business as an art, which it is. You should view your work that way, too." -Donald Trump
I think this is such a cool way to think of your job...as a work of art. Just like in a piece of art, you can decide what it looks like...we can decide what we can accomplish in our careers.
Try making yourself the artist of your job! Maybe you are unhappy in your current job, maybe you haven't quite decided what you want to do, or you might even be perfectly satisfied in the career you are in now. Whatever your situation, what would it hurt to try a new perspective?
Try making work decisions with the mindset that you are the artist of a beautiful painting. Think of each interaction with your colleagues/customers/teachers as a brushstroke towards your final masterpiece! See if that makes your work/school days any more exciting! I am going to give it a try!
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